The library

A place where I will add interesting things and links.

Predator meets predator.

"Did you hear? Did you hear?" Rabbit cried to the other animals. It was early morning, and most of the animals were just rousing from their sleep. "Hear what? What's all this?" grumbled Bear. Bear did not like too much noise. "What's the matter, Rabbit, did something happen?" Deer asked, concerned. "Wonderful news! Wonderful, wonderful! The Wolves have found the humans camp!" Rabbit proclaimed gleefully. The other animals looked at each other, mixtures of curiosity and surprise. The wolves were feared by all of them, for there were always more around to fight and hunt. The humans were feared by all of them for the same reasons. "I think our problems will be solved, one way or another!" "The Wolves don't know what they're tangling with." said Squirrel. "Humans can kill the smallest thing to the biggest thing. The Wolves won't stand a chance." "Hmph, the Humans are the ones in trouble." Bear grumbled. "Humans are soft without their tools. Catch them by surprise and they're big lumps of meat." "Well, either way, we're going to have one less problem once they meet!" Rabbit sang. Rabbit was constantly hunted by both groups, so the opportunity for one to take care of the other sounded just perfect. Suddenly a small furry bolt shot out of the bushes. It was Mouse, panting and panicked. "Did you hear? Did you hear?" Mouse cried to the other animals. "Yes, yes, Rabbit already told us. The Wolves are going to attack the Humans." Bear grumbled, laying his head down. All of this excitement was too much for this early. "No! Terrible news! Terrible, terrible! The Wolves and The Humans...they've become friends!"

Here's how to make a list:

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